If you’ve been around here much in the last two weeks, you know we’ve been taking a look at Psalm 139.
In searching through YouTube for resources that coincide with this scripture, I found this from one of my favorite teachers, Louie Giglio out of Passion City Church in Atlanta, Georgia.
When I saw Chris Tomlin and Christy Nockels last fall, Louie was there and gave his “How Great Is Our God” talk. I have goosebumps just thinking of it. In fact, I posted it a year ago here if you want to go back and take a gander.
But just for today, will you consider taking six minutes to listen to how much of a miracle you really are? It’s amazing any of us are here at all.
Well, actually, if you know God, it isn’t. It’s kinda how He rolls.
I would love to hear your thoughts in the comment section. Was there something he said that specifically caught your attention?
It is amazing how someone can say ‘there is no God’… how can they say that? does that take more faith than the basic belief that God IS who HE is?
I love this talk. I just have to watch the rest of it, THANK~ YOU for sharing it.
He is one of my favorite speaker. I love this. Thank you for posting.