This morning, I walked into my boys’ room at 7 a.m. to get them roused for school only to find Spencer, who is usually fast asleep, lying with eyes wide open.
At the sight of my face peeking through the open door, he sat bolt upright wearing a concerned expression.
“Mama, are you going to die when you turn 40?” he asked, sick with worry.
“I sure hope not, buddy,” I answer.
“How will you look?” he wondered.
“The same as I look today,” I replied, suddenly understanding he was expecting something a little more like the apocolypsis to occur tomorrow when I turn 40.
“I had a dream you died,” he said and hugged me tight.
He’s been hugging me all day.
As twisted as this sounds, a dream about the death of mom might be the perfect antidote for children who forget how valuable we really are . . .
But I digress. I don’t expect to die on Friday but I do expect to get a few laughs. And because I adore those funny e-cards that circulate around Facebook and Pinterest, I thought I would share a few of my favorite . . .
In case of my untimely death, at least we will all go out at Mommy on Fire with a laugh. Which is completely how I would want it anyway.
And for the record, I don’t think 40 is old so I am one of “those people” . . .
Does this happen to anyone else? Can I get an amen to this one, too?
And my personal favorite of all-time . . .
Tomorrow, assuming I’m still alive, I’ll share the 40 Things I’ve Learned in 40 Years . . . Yes, there are probably only 40 things total. Learning one new thing a year is about all I can handle.
May today be sparkled with good laughs, sisters. You deserve it.
Love the “forever 39” card and the scrolling down card, yes, I am right there with you sister! I turned 41 this past March. Happy Early Birthday!
Yep, it’s my favorite one. I laughed out loud for a good few days after I found that gem…Thanks for the birthday wishes – the 40’s are for the very cool…:)
Lol. Yes those e-cards are a good laugh at times. I beat you by 8 years and 4 days on the bday. Eck. So weird to be that age, but not feel it on the inside.
PS – I just saw pictures of Tom and Giselle’s “mansion with a moat”. Have you seen it? Wow gorgeous. I wonder if they’d give tours to us peasants…
YAY for September birthdays!
I’m sure they would. It never hurts to ask!!! :)
Happy Birthday, sweet Michele! :)
What?! The new 40 is 30??!! I thought it was 20! Uh-oh.
Happy Birthday Natalie, one day early.
Here is to another 40 amazing years….may you be always blessed…thank you for the blessing of YOU!!
OR that…:)
Thank you, sweet friend. Likewise – you are such a tremendous blessing. I love your spirit.
40 is the magic number don’t ya know! At least it will be for me! My kids will be adults and I can act 20 all over again! ROFL!!!! If it makes you feel better, I will be 25 in less than two weeks and my wonderful husband loves me so much. He reminded me that I would be a quarter of a century old…..thanks hunny! LOL
You are one young spring chicken, Teelier. BUT…I will still be your friend. :)
Yay for September birthdays!
Happy Birthday & thanks for the giggles!
I’m turning 50 next month and am wondering how the heck that happened?!?!
Happy Birthday! I like the “Whatever age you are is the new 30.” Yup. I’ll take it.
When I was turning 40…almost 30 years ago now…I was moaning and carrying on. The doorbell rang and my BFF handed me a book that put the whole thing into perspective. The title: I’d Rather Be
I’d Rather Be 40 Than Pregnant! Pardon my computer’s running off on its own there. Anyway, 40 turned out to be a pretty good year. Now I’m waiting to see what 70 will bring! Happy birthday, Natalie…and may you have at least 40 more!