Isn’t it so easy to look sideways at what someone else is doing instead of looking up to see what God has for us? My favorite story about this is found in John 21 in which Jesus reinstates Peter.

Oh, Peter. How I identify with your ways so much. Over-zealous and passionate, he often acted and spoke before thinking. He and I have that in common. Darn it.

Anyway, Jesus is giving Peter another chance after he denied him three times (See the grace of Jesus?). He tells Peter to follow him but what does Peter do?

Probably what I would do. Maybe you, too.

He looks at John and, in the NSV (Natalie Snapp Version), Peter says to Jesus, “Well, what about him??? What’s he going to do?”

Jesus, the ever-patient one, responds with “If I want him to remain alive until I return, what is that to you? You must follow me” (NIV).

What is that to you?

If God has called a friend of yours to sing on the stage, what’s it to you? If He has called another friend to have an immaculate home and entertain beautifully, what’s it to you? If He’s called yet another friend to travel the world, what’s it to you?

It’s about what He has called YOU to do. Not them.

Our job is to cheer-on the other women around us while they’re fulfilling their calling while they cheer you on while you’re fulfilling your calling.

Because that’s what Heart Sisters do.

Heart Sistersand Becoming Heart Sisters isn’t just a book and a Bible study respectively. It’s a movement. It’s a way of thinking. It’s a change in mind-set. And guess what? Our daughters, our nieces, our granddaughters, our daughter-in-laws . . . They will stand-up and take note.

And the culture of women will change for the oh so much better.

Now that’s kingdom impact.

Have you heard about the Heart Sisters Challenge? This week’s challenge is to do something kind for a woman you don’t know – simply to encourage her. Tell us about it on social media by using the hashtag #becomingheartsisters and you’ll be entered to win a Becoming Heart Sisters Leader’s Kit – that’s an $80 gift, friends!

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