Why We All Need Village Mentality

“I hope you don’t mind but I just full-on corrected our kids in the pool today,” my dear friend shared as we stretched ourselves on lounge chairs on that bright, summer day. Undeterred, the kids splashed happily as though it had never happened....
When The World Makes You Scared

When The World Makes You Scared

Oh, friends . . . My head hurts.   Since I last wrote, we’ve closed on the home where two of my three babies have lived since birth, moved into an apartment where we will remain for six months (with three kids and two big dogs!) and started summer with camps,...
When Pruning Hurts

When Pruning Hurts

“Why, God??!!! WHY??” I screamed in the privacy of my own car with tears streaming down my red face. In the parking lot of Sam’s Club, of all places, there I sat. One never knows when a breakdown will occur. “Why again? Why here? Why now? I try...
When It’s Time To Subtract

When It’s Time To Subtract

I know, I know. It’s been complete crickets over here and I’m sorry. I know you all aren’t wailing and gnashing your teeth because of the absence of my voice from this very small pocket of the internet but I do want to update you all as to why...

Why Fear Has No Place At Your Table (A Video)

So time is so very scarce these days because I’m in the throes of writing again – and writing seasons are blessed seasons but writing seasons are crazy seasons. The end. I’m scoping more with Periscope and will be doing these quick snippets because...

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