Wonderful Relevant Roommate Wednesday

How’s that for a title? I absolutely believe that God intersects lives at intentional times for intentional reasons. The runner who encouraged me to keep going at mile 18 when my knee popped during the Chicago Marathon.  The quiet minister who figuratively took...

Heart Sisters For The Sisterless

I believe God intersects the lives of people with a greater plan than our of-the-flesh little human brains can possibly imagine. The higher up, deeper in I walk with Him, I see that His ultimate goal is to strip us down, layer by layer, so we can more closely resemble...

Part Four: Who Should Be Your Friend?

I was talking to a woman the other day about friendships and why they are so important to us all when she made a comment that forced me to stop zipping the coat of my squirmy toddler and really focus. “I am a horrible judge of character and I just don’t...

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